Welcome to MCC San Francisco

Annual Congregational Meeting



2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

MCC San Francisco (Eureka)
150 Eureka Street
San Francisco, CA 94114

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPlease join us for our annual Congregational Meeting in the sanctuary. All MCCSF Members in Good Standing (Active Members) are encouraged to attend and vote as we hold elections for the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will review the past year at our church, our accomplishments, and our financial situation. We will meet the candidates running for the MCCSF Board of Directors and our Lay Delegates to the denomination. They will share with us their passions and why they would like to be your representatives on the Board of Directors and as Lay Delegates to UFMCC, and then we will have the opportunity to vote on the candidates. Please join us for this wrap up of 2013.