Welcome to MCC San Francisco

Pastoral Search – FAQ

Questions and Answers:
The Candidate and Next Steps

Where can I learn more about the candidate?
Please continue reading and use the key links on the right of this page.

What was the search process?
At the Strategy Team’s discussions held here at the end of July, the congregation signaled its readiness for a permanent pastor. The Board responded and in August, four longstanding members of our congregation were elected to join the seven lay members of the Board of Directors in service on the Pastoral Search Committee (PSC). Applications were solicited from a list of recommended pastors provided by the Rev. Elder Darlene Garner as well as individuals nominated by the congregation. The PSC’s work vetting prospects started immediately and continued almost daily for a month until, after careful review of all application materials in light of the hiring criteria and job description, the committee arrived at a clear consensus on the Rev. Robert Shively as the candidate to recommend for this position.

What else can you tell us about the search?
Information about anyone else who applied, the number of applicants, or the details of PSC deliberations is strictly confidential. Because of the special relationship between a pastor and a congregation, pastoral search committees, like juries, are bound by confidentiality agreements intended to protect the privacy of all those who apply and the serenity of their congregations. We cannot reveal any information that could jeopardize applicants’ relationships and careers. Whatever information we can provide will be posted prominently on the MCCSF website and hard copies will be available on request from the church office.

Will Reverend Shively be licensed and credentialed in UFMCC?
Yes. The denomination’s Office of Formation and Leadership Development (OFLD) will support Rev. Shively in becoming licensed and credentialed as an MCC minister.

What happens next?
Rev. Shively will be visiting with us as a candidate during the week of October 20th-27th, and during that time there will be opportunities for us all to get to know him. The schedule of events will be announced as soon as details are finalized.

At the end of that week, on Sunday, October 27th, Rev. Shively will preach at the 11 a.m. service. At the congregational meeting, at 2 p.m., he will be available for one last brief Q&A session. Question time will be limited so members are encouraged to ask their most pressing questions at the other events earlier in the week if possible.

At 2 p.m. that day, a special congregational meeting will be held, at which members of MCCSF will vote on confirming Rev. Shively’s call as Senior Pastor. The bylaws require an 85% affirmative vote to call a pastor, and many pastors, including Rev. Shively, would hesitate to accept a call with less than 90% support. If confirmed by the congregation, Rev. Shively is available to start his work with us right away.

What can I do to help with the transition?
The Board and PSC hope you’ll take time to meet and ask questions of Rev. Shively during his week here as a candidate, and we urge you to attend the important congregational meeting on Oct. 27th. Please also consider making your 2014 pledge as early as possible, offering your time, talent, and treasure to make sure MCCSF doesn’t miss a beat during the leadership change.