Stewardship Season 2017
Nurturing our community
The sharing of our collective gifts of time, talent, and treasure creates the circle of abundance called MCCSF.
We invite you to join in this great circle of giving and receiving by making a pledge as part of your spiritual commitment to each other and the work that goes on through all of us.
Pledging helps us plan our budget and ministries in advance, as well as provides a stable financial base to support our organization. Pledging reflects a prayerful response to God’s/Goddess’ call to be good stewards of this church community.
We ask members and friends of MCCSF to pledge during our Fall Stewardship Campaign. If you are new to the church, you may begin pledging at any time. A pledge can be paid weekly, monthly, or annually, by cash, check, credit card, or auto “Bill Pay” from checking.
Every pledge counts!
If we all give according to our ability, there will be plenty. Every pledge, no matter the size, is valued and appreciated. The size of the pledge is less important than your willingness to commit a definite amount towards the support of MCCSF.
To Pledge
Submit a Pledge Card to the offering plate at Wednesday or Sunday service with your information filled out. Or contact to be directed to the proper church personnel.