Welcome to MCC San Francisco

Life Ceremonies

Life Ceremonies at MCC San Francisco
We Are the Center of the Circle of Life

MCC ministers perform the following Rites:

  • Ordination
  • Membership
  • Holy Union and Holy Matrimony
  • Funeral or Memorial Service
  • Laying on of Hands for Healing
  • Blessings of Persons, Things and Relationships


Union of Rod and Robert

Throughout our entire existence we have supported and advocated on behalf of same-gender loving people. Over 600 same sex-weddings have been performed by MCCSF.

If you are interested in having your commitment blessed at MCC San Francisco or at another location of your choosing, our Pastoral Staff would be happy to speak with you. Relationships are important, and we deeply value the desire of many to acknowledge their relationship before God, family, and friends.

Please feel free to contact us via phone any time during normal business hours to discuss how we might help you plan your special day! To review the MCCSF process and complete and application form, please link here.

For Information about Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples within California, please go here for the latest FAQ’s from the ACLU, NCLR, EQ/CA, and LAMBDA Legal Organizations.

Funeral Services & Memorial Celebration

Memorial Celebrations and Funeral Services can be performed for members and non-members upon request. Our clergy are available to plan services both before and after a death.


Baptism is a sign of initiation into the church and of the covenant God makes with God’s people. MCC San Francisco makes this sacrament available to individuals who have never been baptized or to those who want to reaffirm the commitment of their original baptism.


For more information about any of our Life Ceremonies, please contact the MCC SF office at: mccsanfran@gmail.com or 415.863.4434.