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QBOH: Saturday



Prayer May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence. May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses. May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon. May you respond to the call of your gift and find the courage to follow its path. May the flame of anger free you from falsity. May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and may anxiety never linger about you. May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul. May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention. May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul. May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.
Meditation Life Starts Clapping Wherever God lays His glance Life starts Clapping. The Myriad Creatures grab their instruments And join the Song. Whenever love makes itself known Against another Body The Jewel in the eye starts To Dance
Affirmation Because hate is legislated… written into the primer and the testament, shot into our blood and brain like vaccine or vitamins Because our day is of time, of hours — and the clock-hand turns, closes the circle upon us: and black timeless night sucks us in like quicksand, receives us totally — without a rain check or a parachute, a key to heaven or the last long look I need love more than ever now…I need your love, I need love more than hope or money, wisdom or a drink Because slow negative death withers the world — and only yes can turn the tide Because love has your face and body … and your hands are tender and your moth is sweet — and God has made no other eyes like yours.Entry April 28 by Walter Benton


Prayer It’s not enough to survive; I shall prevail. It’s not enough to heal; I shall grow stronger, wiser, happier, and livelier. I want to live, God; I want to live for I believe in Life. Life is such a colorful gift with so many possibilities. Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you, God. Thank you.Saturday’s Prayer by Larry Kuester
Meditation Young lovers wisely say, “Let’s try it from this angle, Maybe something marvelous will happen, Maybe three suns and two moons Will roll out From a hiding place in the body Our passion has yet to ignite.” Old lovers say, ” We can do it one more time, How about from this longitude And latitude— Swinging from a rope tied to the ceiling, Maybe a part of God Is still hiding in a corner of your heart Our devotion has yet to reveal.” Bottom line: Do not stop playing These beautiful Love Games.These Beautiful Love Games by Hafiz
Affirmation Suddenly and unexpected our hearts began the journey Union ordained as only the goddess can ordain Bodies yearning to imitate this love. The sweet incense of her like a prayer to God rises up, And I testify to her strength to the sweet curves of her body. The angels look on in Jealousy singing blessed be The song, the dance, the prayer – Blessed be.by Terri Echelbarger


Prayer Gracious God, who made the covenant promise with our ancestors, we gather here today a rebellious people. We want to act out your intentions for us, but we keep getting mixed up by all the glitter of the world around us. You tell us to honor creation, and we use other people and animals and plant life only to meet our wants. You offer daily bread to every living creature, and we steal that bread from our brothers and sisters in the name of our greed. You promise us new life, and we shrink back from it in fear. Heal us, God, lest we destroy ourselves. We need your presence among us. Amen.from U.N. Environmental Sabbath
Meditation I understood that our sensuality is grounded in Nature, in Compassion and in Grace. This enables us to receive gifts that lead to everlasting life. For I saw that in our sensuality God is. For God is never out of the soul.excerpt from Meditations with Julian of Norwich by Julian of Norwich
Affirmation You are Wind, she is Fire, I am Water… WE are Earth We are supportive and nurturing We are vulnerable, yet strong We are fertile with hope You are Fire, she is Water, I am Earth… WE are Wind We make our presence known We lift each other up, and carry each other forth You are Water, she is Earth, I am Wind… WE are Fire We are sensual, vibrant, powerful women We are know, and yet, unexpected We invoke change…and, make way for new life You are Earth, she is Wind, I am Fire… WE are Water We reflect and refract light We glisten in the night We dance with the moon… We make each other float!We Essential Elements by Maureen A. Kenney —written on Sunday, February 23, 2003
(Dedicated, with love and respect to Rev. Lea Brown, Annlee McGurk and the special women of the Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco community.)