Welcome to MCC San Francisco

MCCSF Timeline

MCCSF Timeline

Based on an MCCSF timeline created by Lynn Jordan

1970 – 1971

Rev. Howard Wells

On February 22, 1970 Howard Wells conducts the first morning worship service of Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco in “The Upper Room” of Jackson’s Bar on Powell Street, near Bay Street.

Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco (MCCSF) is chartered on April 26, 1970 as the second church in what would become the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. The charter states the church’s primary purpose is “to bind together the children of God for the the purpose of sharing in the worship of God in the Christian tradition…”


On September 13, 1970, MCCSF moves to California Hall and conducts it first spiritual renewal service in the 1000 seat auditorium. Rev. Troy Perry was invited to preach at the worship service. An estimated 825 people attended.

On June 20, 1971, members of MCC congregations in solidarity with the gay community march from Lake Merritt in Oakland to the state capital in Sacramento for a statewide rally on June 25, 1971 in support of the A.B. 437 sponsored by assemblyman Willie Brown of San Francisco. A.B. 437 proposed the repeal of sex crime laws and sodomy statues used to harass and discriminate against the GLBT community.

Rev. Jim Sandmire

The Rev Jim Sandmire is elected MCCSF’s pastor upon the resignation of Rev. Howard Wells in October 1971.

1972 – 1973

In 1972, the use of inclusive, gender-neutral, language in our worship services and church hymns begins. Women’s participation increases in all aspects of worship and programming.

An Easter Sunrise Service was held by MCCSF at the Big Town Baths on Folsom Street, replete with baptisms and “fellowship.”


A bar ministry begins wherein members of our church went into the gay/lesbian bars and passed out invitations to the patrons reading “bring a trick to church”.

Rev. Sandmire also began to experiment with different and innovative worship service formats reflective of a congregation that was from diverse religious backgrounds.

A prison ministry at Atascadero State Hospital and California Men’s Colony (near San Luis Obispo) was begun after we won our (Federal) law suit that allowed us to provide worship services in Federal and State prisons and hospitals.

On July 27, 1973 the church sustained heavy damage from an arson fire and could not be used for worship. On July 29, over 500 members of our church, the LGBT community and political leaders from the city and the state, marched in procession, with police protection, from the burned out church to our host church, Mission United Presbyterian Church, at 23rd & Capp Streets.

On June 14,1973, MCCSF directors James Earl Sandmire, Daryl Earl Goodrick, Herman L. Mank, Jr. execute our Articles of Incorporation and file for and receive recognition as a nonprofit corporation with the state of California on July 30, 1973. The articles of incorporation state: “The specific and primary purposes for which this corporation is formed are to worship God in the Congregational Christian tradition…”

In the fall of ’73 and continuing throughout ’74, Rev. Jim Sandmire began discussing the basic principles of a restructured community of believers within MCC-SF, which he called the “New Zion” and included Covenant Relationships (“Zion Families”) and Christ-centeredness.

1974 – 1975

Rev. Jim Sandmire establishes “parishes” for the members of the church, based on postal codes, and assigned a deacon to each “parish.”

Rev. Jim Sandmire resigns as pastor of MCCSF to become pastor of MCC Los Angeles in March 1975.

Rev. John Barbone was elected pastor in May 1975 but resigned after only one year of ministry.

1976 – 1978

Rev. Charles Larsen was elected senior pastor of “a church in crisis” in May 1976.

In March 1976, the SFPD began its first “cultural awareness week” at the SF Police Academy. MCCSF provided volunteers to speak with cadets at the police academy about their life experience as openly gay/lesbian and led educational tours of gay-identified areas of SF.

Rev. Charles Larsen resigned as senior pastor in October 1978.

1977 The focus of MCC-SF and the GLBT community throughout California was (successfully!) defeating the Briggs Initiative “Prop 6” which would have disqualified gay and lesbian teachers from public schools in California and forbidden any factual portrayals of homosexuality in public schools.

In November 1978, Rev. Jim Dykes was called as our fourth pastor. He searched for a church building to purchase in the Castro and began a fundraising campaign for the down payment.

1979 – 1980

In the spring of 1979 we began negotiating the purchase of the Voice of Pentecost Church at 150 Eureka Street for $200,000. Our first formal worship services at 150 Eureka Street were held in June 1979.

1981 – 1982

The Rev. Jim Dykes resigns as pastor In July 1981 and the Rev. Michael England is appointed as our 6th pastor. Working with the Rev. Janie Spahr – a Presbyterian minister who was our Director of Pastoral Care – they set up a task force with a commission to increase the attendance and membership of women in the congregation.

1983 – 1984

AIDS groups are invited to have their meetings at 150 Eureka Street rent-free in 1983. Many AIDS/HIV groups have their beginnings at MCCSF including the San Francisco AIDS Project and Act Up San Francisco.

1985 – 1986

Rev. Jim Mitulski

Rev. Michael England resigns as pastor effective April 30, 1985. On May 28, a majority of the congregation appointed Coni Staff and Linton Stables as interim lay co-worship coordinators until May 1986. In October, the Board of Directors adds Roger Tinsman as the third co-worship coordinator.

At the May 1986 congregational meeting Rev. Jim Mitulski is elected as the 7th senior pastor of MCCSF.

1987 – 1988

The first MCCSF Men’s Group begins meeting on Wednesday nights in January and the “Antibody Negative” Support Group began its first meetings and a support group for AIDS caregivers is established. The monthly peer support group is for those who are providing support to persons with AIDS or ARC personally or professionally. The AIDS Ministry Team began “The Second Annual AIDS Forum” on Wednesdays in May 1988.

The AIDS Ministry Team of our church was established to provide “individual support volunteers” for persons affected by AIDS or ARC who wished to share in fellowship with other people of faith.

On May 1, 1988 Women’s Programming established six general areas of interest in which to concentrate their energy and efforts: Spiritual Growth/Religious Education; Personal Growth/Healing/Pastoral Care; Sports and Recreation; Social Inreach; Outreach Ad Hoc Committees Spiritual Issues and AIDS.


On January 8 MCCSF sponsored “Until that Last Breath: Women with AIDS” – a visual arts exhibit in the church sanctuary. “Through photographic, video, and writing, the exhibit portrays through tender, intimate images of the personal struggles, hopes, and fears of women with AIDS. “

On March 10, A Lenten Ecumenical Worship Experience “WE HAVE AIDS” was held at MCCSF. The event was sponsored by the Commission on Faith and Order of the National Council of Churches, U.S A. with Rev. Ron Russell-Coons – a contributor to the book AIDS Issues: Confronting the Challenge.

A memorial service was held on May 20 for Rev. Jim Sandmire, 2nd senior pastor of MCCSF and on September 2 for Rev. Howard Wells the founding pastor of MCCSF– both of whom had died of AIDS.

On May 28, an AIDS healing service was held at MCCSF: “We are the Body of Christ …and We Have AIDS”.

1990 -1991

On March 20, 1990: “A Celebration of Lives” is the first in a series of monthly gatherings at MCCSF to honor our losses and ourselves. The gathering offers an “opportunity to acknowledge and talk proudly as community about the people in our lives who have died or who are dying.”

The first worship service focused on the ‘feminine divine’ – called “One of Many Names” – was held in our sanctuary on September 12, 1990.

Recognizing the need for a supportive place for those who are still experiencing their grief, MCCSF began holding special “Rituals of Remembrance” services every four months beginning in May 1991.

1992 – 1993

On September 23, 1992, MCCSF conducts a “Death & Dying” forum that includes an interfaith perspective from a Buddhist Monk, a Rabbi and a Christian minister.

On February 21, 1993 the first new stained glass window – the ‘faith’ window” in the church sanctuary was dedicated in memory of Martin Upp. The window was one of twelve stained glass windows designed and installed by Ken Scott illustrating the theme “Heavenly Winds: Breath of the Divine.”

1994 -1995

AIDS had become the leading cause of death for all Americans age 25 to 44 and will remain so through 1995. MCCSF newsletters/church bulletins will list under “Cycles of Life” an average of three to five memorial services a week at the church into 1995.

MCCSF begins a new support group: “HIV in Women’s Lives” April 5, 1994.

On September 24, 1994, MCCSF hosts “A Moral Response to Proposition 187” – a faith-based lesbian/gay perspective on this initiative – at our church. Our pastor, Rev. Jim Mitulski, called Proposition 187 the Briggs Initiative of the 1990’s.

Prayer at the Heart, Taizé-style services, begin on Wednesday, February 1, 1995

On July 19, 1995 an HIV Community Forum “An Examination of Issues for HIV- Negative Men” was sponsored by MCCSF. The forum raised the question of the different issues facing HIV+ and HIV- men.


Rev. Penny Nixon was installed as Associate Pastor of MCCSF on February 25, 1996.

MCCSF schedules an initial meeting to discuss and plan the formation of a non-profit foundation, the Metropolitan Community Foundation (MCF), on April 25, 1996.

In response to the actions of the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, MCC San Francisco enacted the “The Medical Marijuana Relief Effort” on Sunday, August 18, 1996. Rev. Jim Mitulski – our Senior Pastor – announced that it was the intent of the church to distribute a limited amount of marijuana for medicinal use, at no charge, in the sanctuary.


1997 Easter Rainbow Cross
Easter Eve 1997

The first-ever Easter Eve sunset worship service (vespers) was held on Saturday, March 19, 1997 at Mt. Davidson. The 103-foot cross on Mt. Davison was bathed in rainbow-colored lights.

“With so many people living longer and living better because of new therapies, this feels fresh and exciting to us”, said Pastor Rev. Jim Mitulski. “We were looking for a dramatic venue for telling the story about what resurrection means to us. We want to reclaim the symbol that for so long has repressed us…”

Women were invited to experience embodied spirituality through Saturday evening worship celebrations (August 9, September 20, and November 18) with feminist liturgy called Women Together in Spirit ’97.


MCCSF responds to homelessness and hunger on November 5, 1997 with a pilot program – Simply Supper – serving food on Wednesdays & Fridays.

MCC SF schedules four nights of prayer and testimony – with special music by combined church choirs – on October 5 –8 in response to a series of condemnations of homosexuality as a “sin” by the Catholic bishops, the Rev. Billy Graham and the Promise Keepers. At least 11 affirming San Francisco churches and ministries participated in this 4-night revival called “This is Our Story”.


Rev. Jim Mitulski and Rev. Penny Nixon become co-pastors in February 1998.

Matthew Shepard, 21, a gay University of Wyoming student murdered on October 12, and MCCSF holds a candlelight vigil in response.


MCCSF is the first community-based organization to partner with Kaiser Permanente in offering a special six-week series of workshops called “Positive Self-Management” designed to teach people living with AIDS, newly diagnosed longterm survivors, and their caregivers how to take control of their lives.

MCCSF Women began providing meals on the first and third Thursdays of the month for those exchanging needles and volunteer at the ‘Women’s Prevention Program” at Dolores Street Community Services.

On April 26, MCC San Francisco celebrates its 30 years of “Making Things Happen” with a worship service and open house at 150 Eureka in cooperation with the GLBT Historical Society.

To create more diversity at MCCSF, the “Race Connection Series” begins in July. These gatherings allowed different racial groups to come together in the sharing of stories, issues, and desires around race: People of Color Connecting; Mixed Race People Connecting, Mixed Race Couples Connecting; White People Dealing with Race/Racism Connecting.

Senior pastor/Co-pastor Rev. Jim Mitulski, leaves MCCSF on December 3, after 14+ years of dedicated service. In his honor The Jim Mitulski HIV/AIDS Legacy Fund was established.

2001 – 2002

Rev. Penny Nixon is appointed and installed as the senior pastor of MCC San Francisco.

On June 3, MCCSF conducts a worship service to honor Health Care Workers Local 250, SEIU, AFL-CIO and Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the AIDS Epidemic.

In April 2002, MCCSF formed an “Care Team” for members of our church who were home for extended illnesses, require assistance with medical treatment, and require home-care assistance and/or visitation. Volunteers from our congregation formed the “Care Team”.

On November 22, the 3rd annual Circles of Hope Gala – benefiting the Metropolitan Community Foundation – is titled “Circles of Hope 2002: A Tribute to Coretta Scott King” at the Fairmont Hotel.


In January, new Buddhist “Mindful Mondays” begin for those who attended the November and December Buddhist workshops. On February 3, MCCSF began offering a weekly Buddhist service called “Mindful Mondays” facilitated by Ji-Sing. On March 24, “The Buddha, the Christ, and the Goddess” was presented.

A March 2 worship program caption reads for the first time: ”Welcome to MCC San Francisco, A Spiritual Home for Queer People.”

On June 23, it was noted that over the past 25 years MCC San Francisco has lost well over 500 members to the AIDS pandemic.

The Sunday, August 24, 2003 Church Bulletin included the logo (for the first time): “MCC San Francisco – A House of Prayer for all People. A Home for Queer Spirituality”

On November 30, MCCSF commemorates World AIDS Day worship services with the dedication of our AIDS quilt holding the names of scores of family and friends in a spiral.


In 2004, Metropolitan Community Foundation passes a major landmark: the 100,000th guest to share a meal and be in community with Simply Supper.

MCCSF held its first HIV+ Positive Retreat for HIV+ men and women on June 3 through June 6, 2004.

The six-week workshop “With Harmful Intent: Healing the Experience of Human Betrayal” began on September 14 through October 19. The workshop was an exploration of the shadowy-side of human nature, the harm we cause one another and the harm brought upon us by the others.


On Friday, March 18 the WomenSpirit Equinox Service “Return to Balance” was held in the sanctuary: the extremes found in nature during winter and summer give way to balance.

In May and June, MCCSF hosts “Our Future Together Forums” led by members of the staff and board of directors to connect and communicate with each other regarding our future together.

On December 4, the workshop “Community Forum: Deconstructing Meth: Deconstructing Me” was offered by Joshua Love.


Simply Supper–Mother’s Kitchen in cooperation with Metropolitan Community Foundation (MCF) resumed serving a vegetarian meal at St. Francis Lutheran Church on February 10 along with Bag lunches for the Tuesday Needle Exchange. The Shower Project on Saturdays at Mission High Schools was suspended after December 31, 2005 due to planned renovations at the school.

After 17 years at 150 Eureka Street in the heart of the Castro our church was closed on June 29 due to structural problems. Sunday morning and evening worship services and our church office are moved to the LGBT Community Center.

In June, Rev. Penny Nixon announced she would resign as senior pastor. On September 17, our congregation gathered outside at 150 Eureka Street to witness the deconsecration of the church building purchased in 1979.

In August, Rev. Chris Glaser was appointed as Interim Senior Pastor. Rev. Glaser’s first Sunday worship service as Interim Pastor was on November 5. Rev. Elders Don Eastman and Ken Martin presented a pastoral transition process and timeline for MCCSF to our board of directors on September 30.


Focus on the Future: Rev. Elder Don Eastman facilitated A Congregational Forum on Sunday, June 10. The forum engaged the congregation in a conversation on the purpose, core values, and mission that have guided MCCSF throughout its history.

MCCSF temporarily moved its Sunday worship service to the Kanbar Center at 44 Page Street, on May 27. The church’s administrative office remained at the LGBT Center.

The Pastoral Search Committee recommended Rev. Lea Brown – Senior Pastor of Wichita Falls, Texas, as the candidate for Senior Pastor of MCCSF. The presentation of candidate Rev. Lea Brown included a worship service. Rev. Lea Brown was called as Senior Pastor by 98+% of the voting congregation.


Rev. Lea Brown begins her pastorate at MCCSF on January 1, 2008 by planning services and church activities. On March 4, 2008, Rev. Brown begins full time as senior pastor and her installation service “Embracing our Journey” was held on April 20, at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church, Potrero Hill.

Metropolitan Community Foundation ends its weekly Simply Supper food program, and its weekly brown bag lunch distribution at the Prevention Point needle exchange site on May 9.

MCCSF’s Worship & Praise Team performs at the GALA Choruses Festival 2008, July 12–19 in Miami, Florida.

Rev. Jeff Bert begins as Associate pastor of MCC SF on August 17.

MCC San Francisco moves back to its church at 150 Eureka Street conducting its first Sunday service “Home for the Holidays” on December 21, 2008 after months of cleaning, painting, and upgrading the building.


In March 2009, MCCSF organized and led an interfaith worship service at the California Supreme Court and San Francisco City Hall on the day the appeal of Proposition 8 was heard before the California Supreme Court – and – “A Celebration of Hope and Justice Interfaith Service “ and prayer vigil-at Grace Cathedral on the eve of the California Supreme Court’s decision – which took place on May 26 – upholding Proposition 8.

MCCS’s Lenten series on “One Earth, One Body” was nominated for an Interfaith Light and Energy Oscar award for best liturgical education series about the environment.

MCCSF began providing a forum to hear more of the voices within our congregation through lay preaching panels at the 7pm Sunday worship service. Spirit Journey Groups were held in the spring and fall – along with three retreats during the year -as part of our core spirituality curriculum and Congregational Care and Congregational Life teams were formed in 2009.

Many Lights: exploring the varied path to the Holy – a spiritual practice and tradition series began in November.


In January MCC San Francisco begins a year of celebrations in recognition of its 40th anniversary. A 40th Anniversary Committee was formed to plan activities throughout the year with the 40th anniversary theme: “Celebrating Our Past, Securing our Future.”

“Remember, Connect, Renew” is the theme for the Lent/Spring Spirit Journey Groups that has a format based on 40 years of MCCSF history, the Hebrew bible, and our own journey stories.

Rev. Dr. Lea Brown resigns as senior pastor on September 19, 2010.

A Pastoral Search Committee is elected by the congregation to be their representatives in the search for a new senior pastor.

Victor Floyd is hired, November 2010.


January 3, Rev. Dr. William H. Knight is appointed as Provisional Pastor (later changed to Intentional Interim) by the denomination, in consultation with the Board of Directors.

Andrew Ramer presents a Many Lights program: A Year of Praying Multifaithly.

Rev. Janie Spahr, PC(USA), returned home to MCCSF with a sermon “A View From the Missionary Position.”

Rev. Elder Freda Smith preached her famous “Purple Grass” sermon at MCCSF.

Rev. Victor H. Floyd is ordained as MCC clergy and serves MCCSF as Pastor of Worship & Celebration.

“Get Engaged for Marriage Equality: A Marriage License Counter Action” was bolstered by MCCSF and Rev. Knight.

2gether blessed Concert by MCC-Los Angeles musicians.

In March, monthly Queer Eucharist with Rev. Dr. Victoria Rue, Lesbian Roman Catholic Priest, begins at MCCSF with her sermon “Prophets of a New Christianity.”

MCCSF Spirit Journey Groups, Rev. Jeff Bert leader, theme: “Chocolat for Lent” using the movie Chocolat.

Chanticleer premiers Abwoon Dbishmaya (Aramaic Lord’s Prayer) by MCCSF member Ilyas Ilya.

The Mindful Path, facilitated by MFT Nick Verogoni, is offered during April and May.

Many Lights provides a Native American Lakota Pipe Ceremony with Lyla Johnston.

Group process facilitator Gregg Cassin begins holding Healing Circles “Going Deeper” at MCCSF.

Q Sangha, Queer Zen Meditation and Harm Reduction Group, resumes under the leadership of Rev. Jana Drakka on Tuesday nights.

Miracle on Eureka Street Sidewalk Restoration Campaign sold 256 bricks, raising a total of $63,700 for MCCSF.

MCCSF Pride Treasury presented MCCSF with $6500 for 431 MCCSF volunteer hours provided for 2011 SF Pride.

MCCSF hosts several queer activist movies, including “Faith of the Abomination”, “Pink Smoke Over the Vatican” and “The Right to Love: An American Family.”

In September, Homecoming Sunday celebrated the dedication of the new memorial sidewalk (“Miracle on Eureka Street”) with visiting clergy, including Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson (UFMCC Moderator) and Rev. Dr. Neil Thomas (MCC-Los Angeles).

In October, “Rebuilding the Beloved Community” All-Church Retreat at Camp Monte Toyon in Aptos.

The 2012 Stewardship Team performs “The Parable of the Fabulously Wealthy Lesbian” and MCC-SF meets the 2012 pledge goal while still falling short of the 2012 budget.

In November, MCC-SF hosts a Community Thanksgiving Dinner with turkeys donated by The Cove Restaurant.

In December, we break with the duldrums and deck the halls.


Spirit Journey Groups “Give It Up!” for Lent, just in time for the Annual Easter Bonnet Parade. It’s not a contest, but there are definite winners…

Rev. Victor Floyd is appointed to serve the church as Interim Pastor October 15, 2012 – October 15, 2013.


Each month, the new First Saturdays partnership offered clothes, food, and other goodies to our brothers and sisters in need.

Queer Eucharist with Rev. Dr. Victoria Rue, a lesbian Catholic priest was held on the second Saturdays of each month.

Rev. Floyd hosts Gather ‘Round the Flame congregational forums with the goal of constructive, compassionate interpersonal communication.

Strategy team created to look at the congregation’s future.

“Upstairs” Musical — Story of Arson Tragedy & MCC New Orleans premiered at MCCSF.

Affirming the selection of the Pastoral Search Committee, Rev. Robert K. Shively was elected Senior Pastor by the congregation at a special meeting held in the sanctuary on Oct. 27, 2013.


The LGBT–Religious Archives Network honored for the Upstairs Lounge Fire Exhibit co-curated by Lynn Jordan (MCC SF) and Mark Bowman (LGBT-RAN). The award is for “outstanding work in public or community-based LGBT and/or queer history.”

In February, Rev. Shively was installed as Senior Pastor with UFMCC Elder Rev. Darlene Garner presiding.

MCCSF supported our ongoing partnership (started in 1997) with our local public elementary school, Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, providing a reading program and school supplies.

Irene Laudeman was appointed Executive Pastor.

After a series of forums, the Congregation, numbering 92 active members, votes unanimously to sell church properties on Eureka Street because the 114-year-old building is worn out beyond repair. Executive Pastor Irene Laudeman led the committee that did an exhaustive search of churches to rent in the city; the offer from First Congregational Church of San Francisco came in November.


MCCSF negotiates a five-year lease with First Congregational of San Francisco (UCC). MCCSF moves from 150 Eureka on February 6, 2015. Regular worship services begin at noon and 6 p.m. on February 8 at 1300 Polk Street.


Annie Steinberg-Behrman is called as Senior Pastor at MCCSF’s annual congregational meeting.


Annie Steinberg-Behrman retires as senior pastor. The church moves buildings to gather in-person in St. Mary’s Chapel at Trinity + St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 1620 Gough Street.


Rev. Daniel Borysewicz is appointed to serve the church as Provisional Interim Pastor on March 16, 2024.


Support MCCSF

MCCSF is a labor of love from the LGBT and friends Community in San Francisco. Your tax-deductible gifts nourish the growth of our programs and nurture the spirit of those we serve. As we look forward to the future, we invite you to contribute to the continuing impact that MCCSF is having in San Francisco and around the world.

Your donations are 100% tax deductible. MCCSF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.