Welcome to MCC San Francisco

unnamed (1)As we prepare to leave 150 Eureka Street, many of you have asked what will become of the “Miracle on Eureka Street” yellow-brick sidewalk in front of the building.

We knew when we installed the sidewalk that it could not be physically removed, and had planned that we would eventually reprint the bricks and reinstall them at a future home. That plan remains in place, but until we have a permanent building of our own, we want to share with you how the sidewalk is being honored in the meantime:

  • An image of the yellow-brick sidewalk will be made into a banner for Easter services.
  • All donors to the “Miracle on Eureka Street” sidewalk project will receive a letter and a photo of their brick.
  • We will reprint miniatures of all the bricks, and create a replica of the entire sidewalk design to display in our new location.
  • And finally, we will be creating a website to display all the photographs of the sidewalk bricks.