Welcome to MCC San Francisco

Call for Board of Directors Applications

Call for Board of Directors Applications

posted October 7, 2015

UFMCC Hands LogoAre you interested in serving on the MCCSF Board of Directors?

Our Board is a working board. Members serve on at least one Board teams (e.g. stewardship, finance, policies and procedures, and strategic planning) and actively participate in Board activities including meetings, trainings, and fundraising. Board members should be able to communicate effectively in person as well as by email and phone and maintain the confidentiality of executive sessions (e.g. personnel & legal issues).

As stated in the MCCSF Bylaws (Article V.B.) the role of the Board of Directors is as follows:

Responsibilities – The Board of Directors shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the documents of legal organization and incorporation, strategic planning, church policy, church property, risk management, and physical and financial affairs of the church including the investment of church funds and purchase, sale or distribution of up to $100,000 of church assets. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for collecting and disbursing funds, keeping adequate church records, making timely reports to the Congregation and UFMCC, and fulfilling all responsibilities of a local church administrative body as stated in the UFMCC Bylaws.

Duties of the Board of Directors include:

  • Work with the Pastor as the Chief Operating Officer of the church
  • Sets church policy as appropriate, including all financial policies
  • Drives strategic planning initiatives
  • Establishes an annual budget and enforces that budget with the Pastor
  • Establishes and implements the annual pledge drive
  • Drives all yearly fund-raising programs
  • Manages long term investments and assets


Applications must be submitted to Board Clerk Dennis Creagh at clerk@mccsf.org no later than October 18, 2015. The Board of Directors will screen each application and publish the approved applications. Applications are subject to a background check.

Candidate must be a voting members with MCCSF for at least a year, demonstrating a commitment to the church through regular worship attendance, financial support, volunteer service, and participation in church activities.