6:30 pm - 8:45 pm
MCC San Francisco (Eureka)
150 Eureka Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
The Board of Directors meets regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month, unless otherwise announced. Board meetings, except executive sessions, are open to all congregants and members of MCCSF.
The Board of Directors serves as our church’s local administrative body and oversees all matters pertaining to the documents of legal organization and incorporation, church property, risk management, and the physical and financial affairs of the church.
The Board of Directors ensures effective management of the church’s funds and other assets, carries out fundraising efforts, keeps adequate church records, engages in strategic planning, creates and maintains church policy, makes timely reports to the Congregation and UFMCC, and fulfills all responsibilities of a local church administrative body as stated in the UFMCC Bylaws.
For bylaws, policies, minutes, and other documents, click here.
- Your Board of Directors