8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Private Address
San Francisco, CA
Board members, lay delegates, pastors, staff and any and all church ministry and team leaders (or future leaders) are invited to our fall gathering of the Southwestern Network.
For your convenience we will meet in two locations: Founders Metropolitan Community Church Los Angeles and Peninsula Metropolitan Community Church in San Mateo as well as a designated location for our sisters and brothers at Open Arms MCC in Pahoa, Hawaii.
The topic will be “Three Relational Keys to a Healthy Vibrant Church” – This program will be broadcast from Founder’s MCC Los Angeles to both Peninsula MCC in San Mateo and Open Arms MCC in Pahoa, Hawaii.
This mini-summit is designed to explore ways in which we can strengthen our relationship with God, our church and our pastoral leader that will, in turn, bring greater health and vitality to the local church.
The facilitators will be Rev. Tony Freeman and Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos. This mini-summit is a collaborative effort of the MCC Office of Church Life and Health and the Office of Formation and Leadership Development. OFLD has approved this workshop for 6 CEUs for clergy and L.E.A.D. Certification.
There will be a $20 registration fee plus $10 per person for hospitality/lunch to be paid to host church on-site. Registration link will be provided here when available.
Here’s a short link to this event — please check back for updates: