Welcome to MCC San Francisco

704940_10151689070191788_1400716551_oI am so excited to share some good news with you regarding our search for a new home.

After a three-month intensive search, the Real Estate committee has found a opportunity with First Congregational Church of San Francisco-United Church of Christ, 1300 Polk St. (at Bush), whose congregation is looking to share their beautiful building with another congregation.

On Nov. 30 at 11 a.m., we are invited to a welcoming worship service and open house hosted by Rev. David Cowell, Designated Minister, and his congregation at FCCSF.

During this visit, you will have an opportunity to experience this spiritual space in worship, to ask questions, tour the facility, and be welcomed with the warm embrace of Rev. David and his congregation. (MCCSF’s service will be cancelled on Nov. 30 so that we may attend the event at FCCSF.)

How did this come about, you ask?

A full FAQ can be found here, but the short version is, we were blessed with a miracle. Our team had called nearly 50 churches, synagogues, public and community spaces, and yes, even a couple of bars throughout San Francisco. We were either declined or got no response; many churches already were renting to other churches or otherwise unavailable. We looked into commercial rental properties as well, but pricing is through the roof in San Francisco, especially in any neighborhood where we would hope to settle. It was looking grim.

And then came a miracle. The word about our search had apparently gotten out, and a few weeks ago, we got a call from Rev. David at FCCSF. His congregation has been looking to welcome another theologically liberal congregation to use their lovely facility. After some preliminary discussions, we both thought this might be a good fit for both congregations and wanted to take the next steps. Let us be clear: This is not a merger; each congregation would retain its own identity and denominational affiliation.

We would love for you to join us as we explore this exciting opportunity. Please plan to join us on Nov. 30 11 a.m. for worship and an open house. We really want you to meet this friendly congregation, and to experience this beautiful building before we make any decisions about our future. Your feedback will be part of this process. Please email the board at mccsfboard@gmail.com, or contact board members with any questions. A suggestion box will also be set up in church. This potential relocation option will be brought up for a vote at the congregational forum in December.

I ask that you prayerfully discern this opportunity.
Maureen Bogues, Lay Co-Leader, MCCSF Board of Directors